About Gregory Pearce at Getspiration.com

I’m sure you have something better to do than read my whole life story since birth. 🙂

There’ll be no fake, self-aggrandizing stories written by some AI bot here either.
(I’m not against AI. I use it to great effect. But not to outsource my brain or identity.)

I live in Florida live with my lovely bride Carole.


Back in 2003, I was attracted to ‘Internet Riches’ before it was really a thing. I got sucked into the vortex of clueless peddlers who guaranteed pretty rainbows and pixie dust while cash rained from the ceiling.

Quick note…

False promises in 2003 were about the same as they are today in 2025.

Who knew? 🙂

After wading through all the crapola and learning how to really sell stuff online, I launched my own full-time, sustainable business in 2008.

It took me 5 years from 2003-2008 to figure stuff out.

The rest is history.

That doesn’t mean you’ll have to beat your head against the wall for 5 years to find your thing, like I did.

I was a slow learner, I guess. 🙂

After sixteen years online, and counting, I love to help folks who want to create greater freedom in their lives through online entrepreneurship.

A Gentle Warning

Many folks are still led to believe that “selling stuff online” means “getting rich quick” by pressing buttons on a desktop computer or thumbing through online apps watching cat pics for a couple of hours a day.

It’s true… if you also believe that the cow jumped over the moon last night.

The real truth: It requires hard work, persistence, plenty of learning, it’s not ‘easy’, and you will find out what you’re really made of once you begin your entrepreneurial journey.

Here’s a small sample of the what you may have already seen on the Interwebs.

  • You’ll ‘get rich quick’ doing little to no work.
  • Checking email for 2 hours a day will build an empire.
  • It’s all ‘done for you’, just add traffic and enjoy the windfall.
  • This ‘side hustle’ will fund all your dreams, by Friday.
  • ‘Telling your story’ on social media will cause millions to bow at your feet and start throwing money.
  • Your creditors will accept ‘likes’ and ‘views’ as payment for your bills.
  • If you post 254,478 videos a day on TikTok about dumb stuff, their algorithm will marry you.
  • Iguanas in South Florida are really Klingon spies wearing makeup.

If you buy into this drivel and other stuff like it, the road ahead will be laden with potholes.

There Is Good News

If you become fully invested in the long-term success of your customers, which in turn will ensure the long-term success of your business…

And you learn to do things – the right way from the start…

There are ZERO limits to what can be accomplished.

Generating near-passive income is doable. Yes, moolah can actually roll in, while you’re sleeping.

But again, don’t kid yourself – especially in the beginning – it requires hard work to get things setup and to achieve momentum.

Yep, hard work… and that’s good news…


Because most people won’t do the work or stay the course, which creates massive opportunity for those of us who will do the work!

Are you a go-getter?

Because if you are, you’ll set yourself apart as someone with vision, grit and determination – not willing to settle for the average, predictable, stressed-out life that so many people tolerate.

Meaning… you never accept ‘can’t do’ for anything, and failure is not in your vocabulary.

Just in case you think I’m sitting in some ivory tower talking down to the ‘little people’ – I know a lot about tolerating mediocrity, because I was one of those ‘people’ – allowing myself to be shoved around by circumstances and finding excuses to stay stuck in a rut – until I changed my mind and course.

And change I did.

You CAN have the life you want, with the friends you want, in the environment you want…

But you’ll need to take the road less traveled. The masses don’t go there, neither can they.

If you’re serious about expanding your horizon and you believe you’re up to the challenge…

Online entrepreneurship is wide open.

Why not choose to go all-in and let’s get to work?
